The Official History of Instant Dogma

(Woodrose, snakes & ladders, Freak Music,
Punk Rock Treehouse and everything else.)
- 2003
Mr.Thibbs, Better Friends Than Lovers
and The Cool Beans Nexus

November 18
snakes & ladders on Cheap-TV

On November 18, snakes & ladders, along with Drew Prescott,
Candice Clement (both of Better Friends Than Lovers) Charles Kent
and Ann Bartlett, infiltrated Hop-TV for the second-to-last video
taping of Cheap-TV, Episode 33. Drew was conscripted to do
the host/interview portion of the program. Charles and Candice
received shout-outs. The mood was up even though we believed
this was the end of the show (a final episode would taped several months later,
featuring Better Friends Than Lovers.) There were minor technical issues
(a V-4 guitar cab speaker had become disengaged, making the playing tone
harsher than usual.) However his episode is a unique document
in the Cheap-TV, Better Friends Than Lovers and snakes & ladders saga.

Go here to see a clip

Go here to order



October to December
 Michael Thibodeau recorded Raise High The Roof Beam
 (with assistance from the group Mossberg, Roger Lavallee,
John V and Mark Mandeville, Greg Sullivan and myself.)

December 12

Ersatz Beezers and the Infamous
WCUW Wormtown Christmas Party

For the second year in a row, we play the Wormtown
Christmas party. We did some of our stuff
and then some Michael's stuff. We were The Bees Knees,
whenever we backed up Mike. And it started innocently
enough. Louie Despres said, “ya wanna swing by
WCUW, we're going live.” So after the official party,
I arrived there. There was a lot of drinking and cussing.
Michael and I played Papa Gene's Blues. James Keyes
did some impromptu songs. Lysie and Alex Numbskull
were there, as was Scott Ricutti. It was a hell of a time.
I guess there was some blow-back after that
from station manager, Joe Cutroni. All in good fun.

Ed Barnett and Louie Despres

The Wormtown Christmas Party 2002

Worcester Invades Boston,
Wormtown Wednesday

and WW


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