The Official History of Instant Dogma

(Woodrose, snakes & ladders, Freak Music,
Punk Rock Treehouse and everything else.)

Rehearsing in Concord

This is the very beginning 

The Psychotic Reactions.
  I played guitar, Bobby Mullen was on drums.
It was 1970 and we were both ten.

My folks were divorced. To compensate
my dad gave me the drums, guitar and amp.
The guitar was Harmony something or other.
It had been given to him in exchange for guitar lessons,
by a feller who swam the Rhine to escape E. Germany.

We were waiting for our hit single, “Friends Forever,”
(which featured both A and D chords)
to break and climb the charts.

My dad recorded us playing in his living room.
That tape is
probably in a landfill somewhere.

Eventually I grew frustrated with my limited guitar abilities.
I could not form the chords for songs I wanted to play,
as the guitar neck was too wide.

And thus began my first retirement from show business.
For next three years I would focus on graphic arts,
comic collecting and cartooning.

Sidebar - My friendship with Bobby
ended after he tried to drown me in his pool.

                                                        In my attic in Concord

Plans to expand The Psychotic Reactions
personnel would go unfulfilled.


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